Though we don’t always like to shed tears, we still need them to carry out a lot of functions. For starters, tears lubricate and moisturize our eyes, which is important in maintaining vision and also avoiding discomfort. Our tears even contain anti-bodies and proteins to fight away infections. To put it simply, tears are good for us.
Tears are secreted by a set of glands that are positioned around our eyes. However, these glands stop producing tears or produce very little due to an imbalance in the system, which results in a condition called dry eyes. This imbalance can be caused by several factors that include diseases, living in dry climates, excess heat or even excess cold.
Treatment for Dry Eyes
There is no cure for dry eye. However, there are plenty of treatments to manage the condition. Some of these treatment options include:
Punctal occlusion: This procedure involves closing up the tear ducts to prevent the tears from getting drained out. The tear drain in the lower eyelid is inserted with a dissolving plug. This helps in regulating the tear flow and also, helps doctors determine the effectiveness of a permanent plug. If the temporary plug shows successful results, then the doctor will suggest the insertion of a permanent, non-dissolving plug. In some cases, application of heat is used to seal up the tear duct.
Lipiflow: Lipiflow is a device that is used for eliminating the blocks in the clogged oil glands of the eyes. The oil produced by these glands prevent the tears from getting evaporated and also, lubricates the eyes.
Tear drops: Using tear drops is the most preferred method of treatment for chronic dry eyes. However, not all eye drops have the same effect, which means you will have to experiment with multiple options to choose one that works. However, trials must be carried out with proper consultation from your doctor.
Interested in Learning More about Caring and Treatment Options for Your Dry Eyes? Contact Shenandoah LASIK and Cataract Center.
For more information about caring and treatment options for your dry eyes, contact Shenandoah LASIK and Cataract Center. We are located in Winchester and can be reached directly at 540.722.6200. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Posted in: Dry Eye Care/Restasis