Cataract surgery becomes necessary for many people who develop thickening of the eye’s lens. Without surgery, the worsening cloudiness on the eye’s lens can degrade vision to such a degree that quality of life diminishes. We don’t want that to happen. If you or someone you love is experiencing the signs of cataracts, schedule a comprehensive eye exam. With a simple surgical procedure, the clouded lens or lenses can be replaced and vision restored.
We know what you may be thinking. The most common question that arises in a discussion about cataract removal is how bad the recovery process is. It is understandable that one may perceive eye surgery to be quite complex and uncomfortable. The truth is, eye procedures have become so refined and meticulous that recovery has become increasingly easier.
Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. Patients may stay in the facility for an hour or two until we ensure they are well enough to send home. It is necessary for a loved one to do the driving for a short time. Vision will gradually become sharper over the course of a week or two, after which time it is generally safe to resume driving. We may request that a patient wait until we have performed a post-op eye exam to get behind the wheel.
Cataract Surgery: Recommended Precautions for a Comfortable Recovery
Complications from cataract surgery are rare. Most often, patients experience mild soreness that can be managed with either over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. Eye drops are also prescribed to facilitate proper healing and comfort that may relate to post-operative dryness. Additional tips for recovery include:
Protect eyes with glasses. Sunglasses protect from sunlight and reduce light sensitivity. Regular glasses may also be worn simply to keep debris, dust, and wind from causing irritation.
Decrease the risk of infection by avoiding swimming pools and hot tubs for a week to ten days after cataract surgery.
Postpone wearing makeup for one week after having cataracts removed. Consider tossing old eye makeup products that likely harbor bacteria.
Treat eyes gently. Do not rub or press on them.
There are clear benefits to cataract removal. Learn more about this procedure in our Winchester, VA office. Call 540.722.6200.
Posted in: Cataract Treatment