At Shenandoah, we help people with cataracts every day. But there are still some questions about what cataracts are, and what we do to correct them. Here’s some info on the condition and the options for addressing it.
A cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of the eye. The lens, found behind the iris and the pupil, begins to develop a cataract due to several causes: direct trauma to the eye, excessive sunlight exposure, eye infections, smoking, poor nutrition, and diabetes.
Cataracts usually develop in people over the age of 40, yet they can form much earlier. Because they develop slowly over time, many cataract patients typically ignore the condition, thinking their vision is simply getting blurry or fuzzy as a natural effect of aging. However, most eye doctors recommend seeking immediate professional help if you have a hard time seeing road signs, recognizing people’s faces from afar, making out images on TV. When it seems like you’re perpetually looking through a dirty glass window, it’s time to have an eye check-up.
The solution: cataract lens implantsCataracts are treatable with the use of implants, which come in different forms for different purposes.Monofocal lens implants are recommended for patients who do not mind having to wear glasses. These lens can be custom set for both eyes to either see at a distance, such as in driving and watching TV; or for near vision, such as when reading and facing the computer.
Toric lens implants are a more advanced lens implant technology that specifically addresses astigmatism, in addition to addressing the cataract. You can’t fix the cataract without also correcting the astigmatism. This type of lens may have both eyes set either for distance vision or near vision. It can also be used for monovision, which means that one eye is set for near vision while the other for distance vision.
Another type of premium lens implants for cataracts are multifocal lens implants, which correct a patient’s presbyopia in addition to replacing the cataract-affected lens. Presbyopia is an eye condition where the patient is unable to focus on objects that are near.
So, now you know. Once you decide it’s time to get rid of your cloudy, cataract-affected vision, you’ll also need to make some decisions about the type of lens implant you’ll want. Give us a call at 540-722-6200 and let’s discuss your options.
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